Sleepless in the Woods Kortright Conservation Centre | Woodbridge Jan 2015
We're big fans of literacy in all its forms, so we love celebrating Literacy Day! We partnered with TCRA's Kortright Conservation Centre to host our annual winter pop-up in a spectacular nature setting. We provoked the children's thinking by walking the trails in search of little spaces where animals make their homes. Later, we wondered aloud what happens to animals who can't sleep through the winter. What do creatures do when they're sleepless in the woods?! To help the children bring their stories and ideas to life, we brought along a wonderful assortment of loose parts and raw materials, and an irresistible creatures buffet.
At the far end of the sunlit room, we set up an indoor fire building area where families could sip hot chocolate and share their stories. The storybuilding that emerged over the two days we spent at Kortright, was simply brilliant – deeply thought-out and inspiring. The attention to detail in these stories is staggering. Take a look...