So... clearly I’m not very good at this blog thing. I thought I would be, what with my word-girl persona, my love for editing manuscripts, and my tech-savviness and all. So I’m pretty surprised to discover that I’m actually a reluctant blogger. Turns out, blogging is waaaaaaay harder than it looks! Maybe it’s about the vulnerability factor or finding the time to write. But I’m starting to think that the biggest obstacle might just be the name. BLOG. Sounds thick and stagnant like BLOB or BOG. There’s no call to action in the name – nothing beckoning me to share my thinking. Web+Log=Blog was kind of cute back when we first moved our personal diaries online. But now we live our lives online. Of course it’s a log-on-the-web. What else would it be?! For me, language is a powerful thing. I’m thinkin’ blogging needs a serious rebranding. I need a word that makes me want to write. A word that makes it worthwhile to share my thoughts and ideas with the world. I have no idea what the word is yet but I’m 100% certain that if BLOG was a different, more inviting word, I would absolutely be doing it on a more regular basis. Maybe.
My ThinkinI don't write very often. So when I do, it's kind of a big deal ❤︎ Archives
August 2018
CategoriesNope, sorry. All posts fit into all the categories so it makes the whole category thing kind of pointless. And I don't do pointless. While we're at it, here's a list of other things I don't do:
• glitter • glue • lists >> This button leads nowhere. Just demonstrating the importance of stopping to think before we act. You're welcome. |